Broadcasting Report: Devolution is the answer

Campaigners have said that broadcasting should be devolved so that the Welsh language can thrive in the media following a cross-party report published in Westminster today (Thursday 16th June). 

Curon Wyn Davies, broadcasting spokesperson for campaign group Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg commented: 

"We're grateful that the report highlights S4C's financial uncertainty, and accepts a number of our arguments. The Conservative manifesto made a clear promise to not to cut its budget in this UK Government's term of office; now is the time to increase investment. It's good to see the committee also wants to see S4C's remit extended to digital services. However, at the end of the day, broadcasting needs devolving to the National Assembly, along with a statutory funding formula for S4C so we have a system which is truly beneficial for the language and all the communities of Wales."