Tystiolaeth i Bwyllgor yr Arbenigwyr - Siarter Ieithoedd Ewrop

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Diolch am gynnig y cyfle i gyflwyno tystiolaeth i’r pwyllgor.

Cymdeithas o bobl yw Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, sy'n gweithredu'n ddi-drais dros y Gymraeg a chymunedau Cymru fel rhan o'r chwyldro rhyngwladol dros hawliau a rhyddid.

Rydym newydd ddathlu ein hanner canmlwyddiant, ac wrth baratoi am yr achlysur, darlledom ddarlith o’r enw “Tynged yr Iaith 2” a ddywedodd:“Trwy ymgyrchu dyfal a gwneud safiad dros y Gymraeg bu nifer o enillion. Mae'r enillion a fu yn sicrhau y bydd y Gymraeg yn byw ar ryw ffurf. Ar ddechrau'r cyfnod newydd hwn, y gwir gwestiwn yw 'Pa fath o ddyfodol sydd i'n hiaith? Rydym ymhell iawn o sicrhau dyfodol y Gymraeg fel iaith gymunedol lawn y gellir ei defnyddio ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd. Ai ar ffurf symbolaidd yn unig y bydd ein hiaith yn byw? Ai diwylliant i leiafrif yn unig? Iaith y dosbarth neu iaith un neu ddau mewn swyddfa fydd y Gymraeg, yn hytrach nag iaith sy'n rhan o adfywiad cymuned gyfan? Ar hyn o bryd, dyma dynged yr iaith Gymraeg ac fe fydd y darlun yn gwaethygu. Dyma'r argyfwng sy'n ein wynebu ni nawr fel pobl sy'n caru'r Gymraeg. Rydym yn colli tir yn gyflym iawn.

1. Canlyniadau’r Cyfrifiad

Ers sawl mis, mae prif ffocws y mudiad wedi bod ar sicrhau ymateb brys gan awdurdodau cyhoeddus i ganlyniadau’r Cyfrifiad a’r argyfwng y maent yn eu hamlygu.

Mae canlyniadau'r cyfrifiad yn dangos na chyflawnwyd dau o brif amcanion strategaeth iaith flaenorol y Llywodaeth Iaith Pawb (2003): bu gostyngiad nid yn unig yn y canran o siaradwyr Cymraeg o 21% i 19%, ond hefyd yn y nifer o wardiau gyda thros 70% yn medru'r iaith. Yn fras, ymddengys fod tua 2,000 i 3,000 yn llai o siaradwyr Cymraeg bob blwyddyn.

2. Maniffesto Byw

Fe wnaethon ni gyhoeddi dogfen bolisi ym mis Rhagfyr - Y Maniffesto Byw - sydd yn cynnwys dros ugain argymhelliad penodol am sut y gellir gwrth-droi’r sefyllfa argyfyngus sydd yn wynebu’n hiaith. Cwrddom â’r Prif Weinidog Carwyn Jones ar Chwefror 6ed i drafod y pwyntiau hyn a disgwyliwn ei ymateb i’r ddogfen erbyn Mehefin 6fed. Cyflwynom wyth pwynt penodol i’w blaenoriaethu, gan ofyn iddo ddechrau eu gweithredu erbyn diwedd eleni. Yn y cyfarfod, addawodd y Prif Weinidog gomisynu adolygiad annibynnol o effaith ieithyddol holl wariant y Llywodraeth, ar draws pob adran, ar y Gymraeg. Nid ydym wedi clywed unrhyw fanylion pellach ers y cyfarfod.

Bellach, mae gan y Llywodraeth 11 adolygiad o sefyllfa’r Gymraeg yn ogystal â chynllun i gynnal “Cynhadledd Fawr”. Er y byddem yn croesawu trafodaeth gyhoeddus ystyrlon ynghylch sefyllfa’r Gymraeg, nid yw’r Llywodraeth wedi cynnig yr ymateb brys, na dwyster ymrwymiad, sydd ei angen i wrth-droi’r dirywiad yn sefyllfa y Gymraeg.

3. Problemau Penodol

Credwn fod nifer o feysydd lle mae problemau yn codi a fyddai o berthnasedd penodol i’r pwyllgor a’r Siarter.

(i) Ymyrraeth â’r rhyddid i siarad Cymraeg / Diffyg Gwasnaethau

Ceir enghreifftiau cyson o gwmnïau a chyrff yn atal staff a chwsmeriaid rhag siarad Cymraeg ymysg ei gilydd. Cafwyd nifer o enghreifftiau o hyn yn digwydd, megis heddwas yn bygwth arestio un o’n haelodau am geisio siarad Cymraeg. Hefyd, mewn nifer o fesysydd, mae’n ddrutach derbyn gwasnaethau trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg na thrwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Problem sydd yn cynyddu wrth i wasanaethau digidol gael eu darparu yn uniaith Saesneg a gofyn talu am wasanaeth papur ‘traddodoiadol’. Yn gyson iawn, mae dinasyddion yn cael eu hatal rhag cael mynediad at wasanaethau Cymraeg.  

Atodwn ein ‘Llyfr Du’ diweddaraf, sy’n rhestru rhai cwynion gan y cyhoedd ynghylch ddiffyg gwasanaethau Cymraeg neu rwystrau wrth geisio eu defnyddio. Os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth ynghylch yr enghreifftiau hyn mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni.

Enghraifft: Diffyg gwersi nofio yn 'niweidio'r Gymraeg'

Mae bron i hanner o gynghorau Cymru yn methu darparu gwersi nofio yn y Gymraeg. Mae naw awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru yn darparu gwersi nofio trwy'r Saesneg yn unig, gan gynnwys Cyngor Sir Caerdydd. Yn Sir Gâr, cyfaddefodd yr awdurdod lleol fod llai nag un y cant o wersi nofio - 10 gwers allan o 6,200 - oedd wedi ei ddarparu yn y Gymraeg ym mhwll nofio Rhydaman llynedd. Ym Mhowys, dysgwyd llai na dau y cant o'r gwersi yn y Gymraeg, mewn sir lle mae ymhell dros y ffigwr hwnnw yn siarad yr iaith.

Er i nifer o gyrff cyhoeddus barhau i dorri eu hymrwymiad a gwahaniaethu yn erbyn siaradwyr Cymraeg, nid yw Comisiynydd y Gymraeg ers ei phenodiad blwyddyn yn ôl wedi cynnal unrhyw ymchwiliadau i’r cyrff hyn am dorri eu cynlluniau statudol. Rydym hefyd yn ymwybodol o nifer o achosion lle mae unigolion wedi cwyno am ymyrraeth wrth ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg, megis gwahardd cynghorwyr awdurdodau lleol rhag siarad Cymraeg yn gyhoeddus. Hyd at heddiw, nid yw Comisiynydd y Gymraeg wedi defnyddio ei phwerau newydd o dan Fesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 i gynnal ymchwiliad. Nodwn fod y mater hwn yn rhywbeth a godoch amheuon amdano ym mharagraffau 177 i 180 o’ch trydydd adroddiad gwerthuso.   

Mae penderfyniad y Gweinidog gyda chyfrifoldeb dros y Gymraeg i wrthod y Safonau Iaith a gylwynodd Comisynydd y Gymraeg yn ddiweddar yn codi amheuon am hyd a lled y safonau a ddaw ac ymrwymiad y Llywodraeth i sicrhau bod hawliau ieithyddol yn cael eu parchu.

(ii) Cynnal Cymunedau Cymraeg

(a) Cyfundrefn Gynllunio / TAN 20

Mae canlyniadau’r Cyfrifiad wedi amlygu effaith allfudo a mewnfudo ar gyflwr y Gymraeg, yn enwedig yn siroedd y Gorllewin megis Sir Gaerfyrddin a Cheredigion.

Anwybyddir anghenion y Gymraeg a’i chymunedau yn y gyfundrefn gynllunio yn gyffredinol gan fod y gyfundrefn yn seiliedig ar anghenion y farhnad yn hytrach na chymunedau lleol.

Ond nid yw’r elfennau o fewn y gyfundrefn ddiffygiol sydd i fod i ddiogelu’r Gymraeg yn gweithio yn iawn ychwaith. Dangosodd ein hymchwil diweddar mai prin iawn yw’r awdurdodau cynllunio sydd yn cynnal asesiadau effaith iaith o ddatblygiadau arfaethedig. Tri awdurdod cynllunio lleol yn unig, o'r 25 yng Nghymru, sydd wedi cynnal asesiad effaith datblygiadau ar y Gymraeg dros y 2 flynedd ariannol ddiwethaf - cyfanswm o 16 asesiad allan o bron i 50,000 o geisiadau cynllunio a wnaed, sydd yn 0.03%.

Ymhellach, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi diweddaru eu canllawiau cynllunio mewn perthynas a’r Gymraeg, sef TAN 20, ers y flwyddyn 2000. Daeth ymgynghoriad ar ganllawiau newydd i ben bron i ddwy flynedd yn ôl, ond ni fu cyhoeddiad ar ganlyniadau nac argymhellion yn dilyn hynny. Mae nifer o ddatblygiadau tai yn cael effaith niweidiol ar yr iaith, megis yr enghraifft diweddar ym Mhenybanc, Sir Gaerfyrddin.  

Credwn fod yr amcan o godi 320,000 o dai dros yr 20 mlynedd nesaf yn seiliedig ar rhagdybiaethau anghywir o dwf yn y boblogaeth. Yn ogystal â’r ffaith bod y Llywodraeth yn gwrthod sefydlu cyfundrefn arolygu cynllunio ar wahan i Gymru yn groes i ddarpariaethau’r Siarter oherwydd eu heffeithiau andwyol ar y Gymraeg.


(b) Cyfathrebu’n Gymraeg - Sgil addysgol hanfodol

Gan fod y Gymraeg yn perthyn i bawb yng Nghymru, a bod dwyieithrwydd yn bolisi swyddogol, y mae’r gallu i gyfathrebu a chyflawni gwaith yn Gymraeg yn sgil addysgol hanfodol na ddylid amddifadu neb ohoni. Mewn cymunedau lle mae’r Gymraeg yn gyfrwng cyfathrebu beunyddiol, dylai’r Gymraeg fod yn gyfrwng addysg i bawb ac, mewn ardaloedd eraill, dylid graddol sicrhau fod pob disgybl yn cyflawni rhan o’i gwricwlwm trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn ogystal a sicrhau fod rhwydwaith cyflawn o ysgolion penodedig Cymraeg.

Nid y nod yw creu Byd Addysg Gymraeg, ond yn hytrach bod y gyfundrefn addysg yn cyfrannu tuag at greu gwlad lle y defnyddir y Gymraeg ym mhob rhan o fywyd. Mae angen cydnabod pwysigrwydd y cymunedau sy’n parhau’n bennaf Gymraeg a chydnabod rol yr ysgol yn ffocws cymunedol Cymraeg yn arbennig i gymhathu mewnfudwyr. Mae strategaeth y llywodraeth o orfodi’n ymarferol Awdurdodau Lleol i gau ysgolion pentrefol Cymraeg yn gwrthweithio hyn.

(c) Ad-drefnu awdurodau lleol

Gwelwn fod peryglon wrth i’r Llywodraeth ystyried ad-drefnu llywodraeth leol, o ran darparu gwasanaethau yn Gymraeg a defnydd mewnol y Gymraeg yr awdurdodau hynny. Ni chytunwn, ar sail democrataidd, â’r newidiadau i ddarparu rhagor o wasanaethau ar lefel ranbarthol. Fodd bynnag, ni welwn lawer o dystiolaeth fod awdurdodau yn ceisio gwella, neu, fan leiaf, peidio ag is-raddio gwasanaethau Cymraeg a defnydd mewnol o’r Gymraeg wrth ad-drefnu’r gwasanaethau hyn.

(ii) Digidol a Darlledu

(a) S4C

Mae Llywodraeth Prydain wedi penderfynu symud o sefyllfa lle mae’r llywodraeth yn sicrhau bodolaeth sianel deledu Gymraeg trwy grant o tua £100 miliwn i lawr i £7 miliwn ar ddiwedd y cyfnod gwariant cyhoeddus presennol.

O dan y cynlluniau, ar ol 2015, mater i’r BBC yn bennaf fydd faint o arian fydd y sianel deledu yn ei derbyn. Annog ac hwyluso yn unig fydd y Llywodraeth drwy roi rhywfaint o arian neu beidio, fel dymuna Gweinidog y dydd, er bod Siarter Ewrop yn gwahaniaethu rhwng ‘sicrhau’ ac ‘annog/hwyluso’ sianel deledu Gymraeg – nid yw’n caniatau symud o un i lawr i’r llall. Ni fydd deddfwriaeth yn sicrhau bod y Llywodraeth yn cynnal y gwasanaeth. Disgwyliwn fanylion pellach am gyfraniad Llywodraeth Prydain at S4C wedi 2015 yn yr Adolygiad Gwariant Cynhwysfawr rhywbryd eleni, a gallai’r Llywodraeth benderfynu dorri ei gyfraniad i ddim byd o gwbl.

(b) Radio Cymru

Credwn fod posibiliad na fydd Radio Cymru yn orsaf Gymraeg yn dilyn ymgynghoriad a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gan Cyfarwyddwr BBC Cymru Rhodri Talfan Davies ar ei dyfodol.  Gallai ‘sgwrs genedlaethol’ y BBC ynghylch allbwn Cymraeg Radio Cymru newid natur ein hunig orsaf Gymraeg genedlaethol i un ddwyieithog yn golygu nad yw Llywodraeth Prydain yn cadw at eu hymrwymiadau yn y siarter.

Enghraifft o fygythiad arall i Radio Cymru yn ddiweddar oedd ymateb y BBC i newid mewn trefniant breindaliadau cerddorion. Am gyfnod o 6 wythnos tra’r oedd y BBC yn Llundain yn ystyried cynigion cymdeithas breindaliadau Eos (sy’n cynrychioli mwyafrif artistiaid Cymraeg), bu artistiaid Cymreig yn gwrthod yr hawl i Radio Cymru chwarae eu cerddoriaeth. Gwelwyd ostyngiad o 2 awr y dydd i oriau darlledu ac roedd gwasanaeth y sianel wedi ei gyfyngu i gerddoriaeth ieithoedd eraill a cherddodiaeth clasurol. Credwn nad yw’r BBC fel corfforaeth Brydeinig yn deall pwysigrwydd cerddoriaeth Gymraeg a phwysicrwydd Radio Cymru fel gorsaf genedlaethol a’r unig orsaf radio Cymraeg ei hiaith.

Credwn fod newidiadau Llywodraeth Prydain i S4C yn ogystal â newidiadau arfaethedig y BBC i Radio Cymru i gyd yn awgrymu bod Prydain yn cefnu ar eu hymrwymniadau o dan erthygl 11.1(a)(i) o’r siarter ac wedi is-raddio eu hymrwymiadau i ddarpariaeth cyfystyr â 11.1(a)(ii) yn unig.  

(v) Patrymau Gwariant Llywodraeth Cymru

Derbyniom ffigyrau yn ddiweddar ynghylch gwariant y llywodraeth ar nifer o raglenni hyfforddiant ac addysg. Dengys yr ystadegau:

  • Dros y tair blynedd diwethaf, allan o 90,477 prentisiaeth a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, dim ond 354 oedd trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg,

  • Llai na phedair mil o bunnau, allan o gyllideb o bron i £17 miliwn, sydd wedi ei wario ar addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i oedolion yn y gymuned dros y tair blynedd diwethaf.

  • 0.3% yn unig o wariant ar Ddysgu Seiliedig ar Waith a ariannodd hyfforddiant cyfrwng Cymraeg.

Yn ogystal, credwn y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru pedryblu'r buddsoddiad yn y Gymraeg i agosau at lefel buddsoddiad Gwlad y Basg yn y Fasgeg.

4. Ymatebion i’ch cwestiynau penodol

(i) Sylwadau ar y Strategaeth Iaith 2012-17:

Yn gyffredinol, mae modd gweld shifft sylweddol mewn naratif, o Iaith Pawb i Iaith Fyw – Iaith Byw. Mae yma ymdrech i fod yn onest ynghylch sefyllfa ieithyddol Chymru ac mae cydnabyddiaeth o ba mor fregus mae’r iaith fel iaith gymunedol led-led Cymru.

Serch hynny, mae cyfaddef y ffaith fod yr iaith yn fregus yn tanlinellu mor ddiuchelgais yw’r ddogfen newydd. Ceir ynddi lawer iawn o rhethreg ond dim targedau digon uchelgeisiol i wrth-droi dirywiad y Gymraeg a welwyd yng nghanlyniadau’r Cyfrifiad.

Dengys Iaith Fyw – Iaith Byw cyn lleied y mae’r Llywodraeth yn fodlon gwneud i wireddu ewyllys pobl Cymru i ddiogelu’r iaith fel iaith gymunedol a’i datblygu hi’n iaith gymunedol mewn ardaloedd lle nad dyna’r achos ar hyn o bryd. Dim ond o grafu’r wyneb, mae modd dinoethi nifer o agweddau sydd heb eu hystyried yn llawn yn y strategaeth.

Drwy ddinoethi sefyllfa argyfyngus y Gymraeg yng Nghymru yn Iaith fyw – iaith byw, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dangos nad yw hi’n barod i osod cynseiliau cadarn a thargedau uchelgeisiol, clir er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hwn.

Hefyd, mae perygl fod y Llywodraeth yn ceisio dechrau ymyrryd â gormod o feysydd bywyd a thrwy wneud hynny dargyfeirio adnoddau oddi ar brosiectau lle bo posibiliad o wneud gwahaniaeth. Ai rôl y Llywodraeth, er enghraifft, yw trefnu digwyddiadau cymdeithasol anffurfiol i bobl ifanc?

Dylai pwyslais gwaith y Comisiynydd fod ar y teclyn newydd o osod safonau ar sefydliadau a chwmnïau Cymru er mwyn gwella gwasanaethau Cymraeg, yn hytrach nag etifeddu hen ddyletswyddau Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg yn eu cyfanrwydd. Drwy osod safonau pellgyrhaeddol gellid sicrhau gwell defnydd o arian cyhoeddus ac ar yr un pryd gwella ac ehangu gwasanaethau Cymraeg i’r cyhoedd.

Mae nifer o fentrau newydd yn cael eu crybwyll yn y Strategaeth a allai fod yn esgus i’r Llywodraeth beidio â gosod safonau gwerth chweil ar gyrff, er enghraifft “fframwaith strategol iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol”. Beth yw diben y fframwaith hwnnw o gael safonau newydd fyddai’n sicrhau darpariaeth wirioneddol ddwyieithog ym maes gofal iechyd?

Ar ben gwendidau’r strategaeth ei hun, ni weithredwyd y targedau gwan sydd ynddi ychwaith, yn enwedig wrth ystyried rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol y Llywodraeth. Ni welir unrhyw ystyriaeth o effaith iaith y Mesurau Cynllunio a Mesurau Datblygu Cynaliadwy arfaethedig. Mewn un Mesur - y Bil Llywodraeth Leol - mae’r Llywodraeth bwriadu cael gwared ar eu dyletswydd cyfreithiol i benodi un siaradwr Cymraeg i’r Gomisiwn Ffiniau a Democratiaeth Leol Cymru.

(ii) Goblygiadau gosod cyfrifoldeb hyrwyddo gyda Llywodraeth Cymru

Cydnabyddwn fod hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg yn rôl bwysig iawn. Ar adeg pasio Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011, dadleuon ni nad oedd modd i’r un corff fod yn gyfrifol am hyrwyddo ar yr un llaw a rheoleiddio yn effeithiol ar y llaw arall. Ar ôl i Fwrdd yr Iaith ddod i ben, roeddem ni wedi argymell sefydlu Cyngor yr Iaith Gymraeg fel corff hyrwyddo corfforaethol wedi ei benodi gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, a fyddai yn gorff hollol ar wahân i'r Comisiynydd. Yn lle hynny, cawsom gyngor partneriaeth o dan reolaeth y Gweinidog i’w gynghori fe ar ei rôl hyrwyddo. Credwn y dylai’r gwaith hyrwyddo gael ei osod yn nwylo corff lled-braich.  


(iii) Cynllun Gweithredu 2012-13 y Llywodraeth ar y Strategaeth Iaith

Nid oedd ymgynghoriad ar gynllun gweithredu strategaeth iaith y Llywodraeth, hyd y gwyddom.


(iv) Rôl Comisiynydd y Gymraeg, manteision / anfanteision


Fel pob mudiad a gyflwynodd tystiolaeth i’r brosesu deddfu, cytunom gyda’r syniad o sefydlu Comisiynydd y Gymraeg.

Dadleuon ni o blaid sefydlu Comisiynydd oherywdd yr oeddem am sefydlu eiriolwr grymus ac annibynnol fydd yn diogelu hawliau pawb yng Nghymru i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg drwy gynghori a thrwy orfodi’r gyfraith. Dadleuom dros Gomisiynydd a fyddai a’r rhyddid i sylwebu a chynnal ymchwiliadau mewn meysydd ehangach na’r rhai a ddatganolwyd.

Dadleuon ni y dylai rôl y Comisiynydd gwmpasu’r isod:

• bod yn eiriolwr cryf ac annibynnol dros siaradwyr Cymraeg

• hysbysu pobl Cymru am eu hawliau i’r Gymraeg

• hysbysu darparwyr gwasanaethau ym mhob sector am eu cyfrifoldebau o dan y ddeddfwriaeth iaith a mynd â nhw i’r llys os nad ydynt yn cydymffurfio i ddangos difrifoldeb y sefylla.

• sicrhau’r cyngor gorau i’r Llywodraeth a chyrff eraill mewn perthynas â’r ddeddf newydd

• cynnig cyfrwng effeithiol i fonitro cydymffurfiaeth â’r ddeddf

• y gallu i ymchwilio’n drwyadl i gwynion a naill ai erlyn cyrff sy’n tramgwyddo gofynion y ddeddf

neu gynorthwyo unigolion sydd am orfodi eu hawliau yn y llysoedd.

•  y gallu i gosbi cyrff nad ydynt yn cydymffurfio / ymateb i gwynion

Teimlom fod angen ar y Comisiynydd a Chyngor yr Iaith y gallu i herio safbwynt y Llywodraeth a Gweinidogion unigol. Felly, dadleuom y dylai’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol benodi’r Comisiynydd ac aelodau Cyngor yr Iaith trwy ddefnyddio system benodi gwahanol, gan gynnwys gwrandawiadau cyn-benodi cyhoeddus, er mwyn i’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol graffu ar enwebiadau i’r swyddi hyn.

5. Sylwadau ar yr Siarter Ewropeaidd

Gwerthfawrogwn fodolaeth y siarter yn fawr iawn, ond credwn fod angen ei chryfhau a’i hail-enwi yng ngoleuni datblygiadau diweddar.

Fel y gweloch uchod, nid ydym yn fodlon i’r Gymraeg gael ei chategreiddio fel iaith ‘leiafrifol’ na ‘rhanbarthol’. Credwn fod yr ieithwedd ‘lleiafrif’ yn niweidiol ei hun o ran sicrhau nad yw pobl yn derbyn driniaeth eil-radd neu wahaniaethu yn eu herbyn. Ymhellach, mae Cymru yn genedl ac mae gan yr iaith Gymraeg statws swyddogol yn ein gwlad yn sgil pasio Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011. Bellach, mae angen anelu at sichrau ei bod yn cael ei thrin a’i chydnabod yn briod iaith y wlad.

Credwn fod datblygiadau ar draws gwledydd Ewrop, yn enwedig polisïau llymder, a’r toriadau sydd yn effeithio ar ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau megis darlledu a nifer eraill yn amlygu’r angen i gryfhau telerau’r Siarter er lles holl ieithoedd Ewrop.

6. Dogfennau Polisi a Gwybodaeth Pellach:

i) Ein Maniffesto Byw (Dwyieithog) - argymhellion polisi mewn ymateb i ganlyniadau’r Cyfirfiad:



Datganiad i’r wasg: http://cymdeithas.org/node/3794


(ii) Ein “Llyfr Du” sydd yn cynnwys enghreifftiau o wahaniaethu yn erbyn y rhai sydd yn ceisio cael mynediad at wasanaethau Cymraeg:



Datganiad i’r wasg: http://cymdeithas.org/node/3620


(iii) Tynged yr Iaith II



Datganiad i’r wasg: http://cymdeithas.org/newyddion/cymdeithas-i-symud-ymlaen-o-saunders-lewis-tynged-yr-iaith-2


(iv) Gohebiaeth ddiweddar â’r Prif Weinidog Carwyn Jones:



(v) Cynllun 8 pwynt a gyflwynwyd i Brif Weinidog Carwyn Jones ar Chwefror 6ed 2013



(vi) Gwybodaeth am ymyleiddio darpariaeth Gymraeg yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru: http://cymdeithas.org/sites/default/files/Ystadegau%20gwariant.pdf



(vi) Gwybodaeth ynghylch toriadau i S4C yn torri’r Siarter:



(vi) Gwybodaeth ynghylch pryderon am y gyfundrefn gynllunio:


Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg

Ebrill 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for the chance to present evidence to the committee.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg is a society of people who take non-violent action for the Welsh language and Wales' communities as part of the international revolution for rights and freedom.

We have just celebrated our 50 year anniversary, and in preparing for the occasion, we broadcast a lecture called “Tynged yr Iaith 2” which said:"Persistent campaigning and taking a stand for the language led to a number of successes. Those victories mean Welsh will live on in some form. But what type of future will our language have? We are a long way from securing a future for the language as a full language of the community that can be used in every aspect of life. Will the language live on in symbolic form only? Will it be a culture for a minority of people? The language of the classroom or for one or two in an office, instead of a language which is a part of community regeneration as a whole? At the moment, this is the fate of the Welsh language and the picture will worsen. This is the crisis which faces us now as people who love the language. We are losing ground very quickly."

1. The 2011 Census Results

For several months, the main focus of the organisation has been on ensuring an urgent response by public authorities to the Census results and the crisis they have highlighted.

The results showed that the two main aims of the previous Government language strategy Iaith Pawb (2003) have not been achieved: there has been a fall not only in the percentage of Welsh speakers from 21% to 19%, but also in the number of wards with over 70% able to speak the language. It appears there are around 2,000 to 3,000 fewer Welsh speakers every year.

2. Maniffesto Byw (Living Manifesto)

We published a policy document in December - Y Maniffesto Byw - which includes over 20 specific policy recommendations about how the critical situation facing the language can be addressed. We met the First Minister Carwyn Jones on February 6th to discuss these points and we expect his answer to them by the 6th of June. We presented 8 specific points for him to prioritise; asking him to implement them by the end of the year. In the meeting, the First Minister agreed to commission an independent review of the linguistic impact of all Government spending, across all departments, on the Welsh language. We have not heard any further details since the meeting.

The Government is currently holding 11 reviews into the state of the Welsh language as well as a planning to hold a “Big Conference”. Although we would welcome a meaningful public discussion about the situation, the Government has not offered an urgent response, nor demonstrated the intensity of commitment needed to reverse the decline.

3. Specific Problems - The Charter

We believe there are a number of areas where problems arise which of particular relevance to the committee and the Charter.

(i) Interference with the freedom to speak Welsh / Lack of services

There are consistent examples of companies and bodies preventing staff and customers from speaking Welsh amongst each other. We have had a number of examples of this happening, such as a policeman threatening to arrest one of our members for trying to speak Welsh.  Also, in a number of areas, it's more expensive to receive services through the medium of Welsh than the medium of English. A problem that's increasing as digital services are provided in English only and asking to pay for 'traditional' paper services. Very often, citizens are prevented from getting access to Welsh language services.

We attach our latest ‘Llyfr Du’, which lists some complaints from the public concerning a lack of services in Welsh or barriers to using them. If you would like further information concerning these examples you are welcome to contact us.

Example: Lack of swimming lessons ‘damaging Welsh’

Almost half of Welsh councils are failing to provide swimming lessons in Welsh. Nine local authorities in Wales provide swimming lessons in English only, including Cardiff council. In Carmarthenshire, the local authority admitted that less than one percent of swimming lessons - 10 lessons out of 6,200 - has been provided in Wales in Rhydaman swimming pool last year. In Powys, less than two percent of the lessons were in Welsh, in a county where much more than that figure speak the language.

Despite a number of public bodies continuing to break their statutory commitments and discriminate against Welsh speakers, the Welsh Language Commissioner, since her appointment, has not conducted a single inquiry into these bodies for breaking their statutory plans. We are also aware of  a number of cases where individuals have complained about interference with using the language, such as local authority councillors being banned from speaking Welsh publicly. To date, the Welsh Language Commissioner has not used her new powers under the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011 to hold an inquiry. We note this matter is something about which you raised doubts in paragraphs 177 to 180 of you third evaluation report.   

The decision of the Minister with responsibility for the Welsh language to reject the language standards proposed recently by the Welsh Language Commissioner raises doubts about the length and breadth of the final standards and the commitment of the Government to ensure linguistic rights are respected.

(ii) Sustaining Welsh Language Communities

(a) Planning System / TAN 20

The Census results have highlighted the impact of in-migration and out-migration on the condition of the Welsh language, especially counties in the West such as Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.

The needs of the language and its communities are ignored by the planning system in general given that it is based on the needs of the market instead of local communities.

But neither do the elements within the flawed system designed to protect the language work either. Our research showed that planning authorities very rarely hold language impact assessments of proposed developments. Only three local planning authorities, out of 25 in Wales, have held language impact assessments over the last two years; only 16 assessments were made out of total of almost fifty thousand planning applications, or 0.03%.

Furthermore, the Welsh Government has not updated their planning guidelines related to the Welsh language, namely TAN 20, since the year 2000. The consultation on the new guidelines came to an end nearly two years ago, but there hasn’t been a publication on the results or the recommendations following that. There are a number of housing developments having a negative impact on the language, such as the recent example in Penybanc, Carmarthenshire.  

We believe that the objective of building 320,000 houses over the next 20 years based on incorrect population growth assumptions. As well as the fact that the Government refuses to establish a separate planning inspectorate for Wales is contrary to the Charter’s provisions because of its ruinous effect on the language.

(b) Communicating in Welsh - an essential skill

Given the Welsh language is owned by all in Wales, and that bilingualism is an official policy, the ability to communicate and deliver work in Welsh is an essential educational skill of which no-one should be deprived. In communities where the Welsh language is a daily means of communication, the Welsh language should  be a medium of education for all and, in other areas, it should be gradually ensured that every pupil completes part of the curriculum through the medium of Welsh in addition to ensuring there is a full network of specifically Welsh language schools.

The aim is not to create a Welsh language Education World, but rather that the education system contributes to creating a country where the Welsh language is used in every part of life. There is a need to recognise the importance of communities which continue to be mainly Welsh speaking and recognise the role of the school as a Welsh language community focus, especially in integrating incomers. The Government’s strategy of practically forcing local authorities to close Welsh language village schools counteracts this.

(c) Local authority reorganisation

We see dangers as the Government considers reorganising local government, in terms of services in Welsh and the internal use of Welsh of those authorities. We don’t agree, on a democratic basis, with the changes to provide more services on a regional level. However we do not see a lot of evidence that authorities are trying to improve on, or, at the very least not downgrade, Welsh language services and the internal use of Welsh while reorganising these services.

(ii) Digital and Broadcasting

(a) S4C

The British Government has decided to change from a position in which they ensure the existence of a Welsh language television channel by reducing their grant of approximately £100 million to £7 million at the end of the current spending period.

Under these plans, the amount of money the channel receives after 2015 will be predominantly a matter for the BBC to decide. The government will only encourage and facilitate the channel by giving some money or nothing at all, according to a Minister’s wishes. This is despite the European Charter’s differentiating between ‘ensuring’ and ‘encouraging/facilitating’ a Welsh language television channel - it does not permit downgrading from one to the other. Current legislation does not guarantee the Government will sustain the channel. We expect further details regarding the British Government’s contribution to S4C after 2015 to be revealed in the Comprehensive Spending Review later this year, when the Government could decide to cut their contribution entirely.

(b) Radio Cymru

Following the recent announcement by the Director of BBC Wales Rhodri Talfan Davies of a consultation on the future of Radio Cymru, we believe there is a possibility the station will cease to be a Welsh language station. The BBC’s ‘national conversation’ on Radio Cymru’s Welsh language output could see the station becoming a bilingual service, meaning that the British Government would not be honouring their obligations in the charter.

Another example of the threat posed to Radio Cymru recently was the BBC’s response to changes in the arrangement of royalties paid to musicians. Over a period of 6 weeks, whilst the BBC in London were considering the proposals of the the royalties association Eos (which represents the majority of Welsh artists), Welsh artists refused the right for Radio Cymru to broadcast their music. The broadcasting schedule was reduced by 2 hours a day and the station’s service was limited to classical music and music in other languages. We do not believe that the BBC, as a British body, understand the importance of Welsh music and the importance of Radio Cymru as a national station and as the only Welsh language station.

We believe the British Government’s changes to S4C and the proposed changes by the BBC to Radio Cymru suggest that Britain is abandoning its obligations under article 11.1(a)(i) of the charter and have downgraded their commitments to provision equivalent to article 11.1.(a)(ii) only.

(v) Welsh Government Spending Patterns

We recently received figures concerning the spending of the Government on a number of training and education programmes. The statistics show:

  • Over the last three years, out of 90,477 apprenticeships funded by the Welsh Government, only 354 were through the medium of Welsh.

  • Less than four thousand pounds, out of a budget of almost £17 million, which have spent on Welsh medium adult education in the community over the last three years.

  • Only 0.3% of spending on Work-based learning funded Welsh medium training.

In addition, we believe the Welsh Government should quadruple the investment in the Welsh language to get closer to the level of investment in the Basque language in the Basque country.

4. Responses to your specific questions

(i) Comments on the 2012-17 Language Strategy:

Generally, it’s possible to see a significant shift in narrative, from Iaith Pawb to Iaith Fyw – Iaith Byw. There is an effort to be honest about the linguistic situation in Wales and there was a recognition of how vulnerable the language is as a community language across the country.

Having said that, admitting the fact that the language is fragile underlines how lacking in ambition the new document is. There is a great deal of rhetoric but no targets ambitious enough to reverse the decline in the Welsh language which was seen in the census results.

Iaith Fyw – Iaith Byw shows how little the Government is willing to make to implement the will of the people of Wales to protect the language as a community language and to develop it as a community language where it isn’t at the moment. Only by scratching the surface, it’s possible to expose a number of aspects that haven’t been considered the strategy in full.

By exposing the urgent situation of the language in Wales in Iaith Fyw – Iaith Byw, the Welsh Government has shown that it is not ready to set strong precedents and clear, ambitious targets in order to get to grips with the crisis.

Also, there is a danger that the Government attempts to interfere too much with areas of life and by doing that redirect resources from projects where there is a possibility of making a difference. Is it the role of Government, for example, to organise informal social events for young people?

The emphasis of the Commissioner’s work should be on the new tool of setting standards on organisations and companies in order to improve Welsh language services, instead of inheriting the Welsh Language Board’s old duties in their entirety. By setting far-reaching standards one could ensure the best use of public money and at the same time improve and expand Welsh language services for the public.

A number of new initiatives have been included in the Strategy which could be an excuse for the Government to not set worthwhile standards on bodies, for example “social care and health strategic framework”. What is the purpose of that strategy given that the new standards would ensure a truly bilingual provision in the health care field?

On top of the weaknesses of the strategy itself, even the weak targets in it have not been implemented, especially considering the Government’s legislative strategy. No consideration of the language impact of the proposed Planning and Sustainable Development Bills. In one Bill - the Local Government Bill - the Government intends to remove its duty to appoint at least one Welsh speaker to the Local Democracy and Boundaries Commission.

(ii) Implications of placing the promotion responsibility with the Welsh Government

We recognise that promoting the Welsh language is a very important role. At the time the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011 was passed, we argued it wasn’t possible for responsibilty for promotion on the one hand and effective regulation on the other to be with one body. After the Welsh Language Board’s abolition, we had recommended established a Welsh Language Council as a corporate promotion board, appointed by the National Assembly, which would have been a totally separate body from the Commissioner. Instead of that, we had a partnership council under the management of Minister to advise him on his promotion role. We believe the promotion role should be given to an arms-length body.


(iii) 2012-13 Language Strategy Implementation Plan

There was no consultation on the Government’s language strategy action plan, as far as we know.


(iv) The Welsh Language Commissioner’s role, advantages / disadvantages


Like every group that presented evidence to the legislative process, we agreed with the idea of establishing a Welsh Language Commissioner.

We argued in favour of establishing a Commissioner because we wanted to establish a powerful and independent advocate who will protect the rights of everyone in Wales to use the Welsh language by providing advice and enforcement by law. We argued for a Commissioner who would have the freedom to comment and hold enquiries in fields wider than those devolved.

We argued that the role of the Commissioner should include the following:

• be a strong and independent advocate for Welsh speakers

• inform the people of Wales about their rights

• inform service providers in every sector about their responsibilities under the language law and take them to court if they don’t conform to demonstrate the seriousness of the situation.

• ensure the best advice to Government and other bodies about the new law

• effective means of monitoring compliance with the law

• the ability to research complaints thoroughly and either prosecute the bodies who contravene the law’s requirements or support individuals who want to enforce their rights in court.

• penalise bodies who are not conforming / responding to complaints

We felt there is a need for the Commissioner and the Language Council to be able to challenge the view of the Government and individual Ministers. So, we argued that the National Assembly should appoint the Commissioner and members of the Language Council by using a different appointment system, including pre-appointment public hearings, in order for the National Assembly scrutinise nominations to these roles.

5. Comments on the European Charter

We very much appreciate the existence of the charter, but believe it needs to be strengthened and renamed in light of recent developments.

As you saw above, we are not satisfied that the Welsh language is categorised as a ‘minority’ or ‘regional’ language. We believe the phrase ‘minority language’ is itself damaging in terms of ensuring that do not accept second rate treatment or discrimination against them. More over, Wales is a nation and the language has official status in our country following the passage of the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011. Now we need to aim to ensure that it is treated and considered as the country’s ‘priod iaith’ or ‘own language’.

We believe that the developments across Europe, especially the austerity policies, and the cuts which are affecting service provision such as broadcasting and a number of others highlights the need to strengthen the terms of the Charter for the benefit of all Europe’s languages.

6. Policy Documents and Further Information:

i) Our Living Manifesto (Bilingual) - policy recommendations in response to the Census results:



English press release about it http://cymdeithas.org/node/3795


(ii) Our "Black Book" containing examples of discrimination against those trying to access Welsh language services (Welsh only)



English language press release: http://cymdeithas.org/node/3621


(iii) Tynged yr Iaith II (Welsh only)

A lecture we broadcast about the fate of the language: http://cymdeithas.org/dogfen/tynged-yr-iaith-2-trawsgrifiad-or-ddarlith


English press release: http://cymdeithas.org/node/3170


(iv) Recent correspondence with the First Minister Carwyn Jones (Welsh only):



(v) 8 policy points presented to First Minister Carwyn Jones on 6th February 2013 (Welsh only)



(vi) Information on the marginalisation of Welsh language provision in the Welsh Government budget:



(vi) Information regarding cuts to S4C breaching the Charter:



(vi) Information regarding concerns about the planning system:


Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg

April 2013