Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg has written to the Equality and Human Rights Commision in Wales, to complain that the Commission has failed Welsh speakers by not ensuring that it has a bilingual web site.
Dafydd Lewis said that equality for the Welsh language should have been one of the Commission's primary aims, but that it has failed the Welsh people by ignoring this. In a letter to the Commission Dafydd Lewis states:
I have just visited your website and found that there is no place for the Welsh language on it. What we have instead is an apology that the Welsh language site is not ready yet.
While Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg wishes the new Commission all the luck in the world, we have to express our disappointment that the Commission, right at the start of its work, has treated Welsh as a language less equal than English. This is not the kind of example one would expect from the Equality and Human Rights Commision.
Our hope is that this wrong will be put right soon, in the meantime we would like to know what the Commission's policies are regarding:
* the employment of Welsh speaking staff, and dealing with enquiries from Welsh speakers.
* ensuring that not only the Commission's website is bilingual, but also all publications, documents and promotional literature.
We expect nothing less than full equality for the Welsh language from a Commision that works primarily to secure equality for all the citizens of Wales.
We look forward to hearing from you and believe that a meeting should be arranged to discuss these issues.
We wish you the best with your important work.