Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg will deliver it's final warning to the Welsh Assembly Government on the Eisteddfod field on Thursday August 7th at 1 o' clock. Alun Ffred Jones the new Heritage Minister has been invited to join the demonstration.
In a demonstration that will start outside the Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg unit (906 -908) members will present evidence of the total lack of those Welsh language services that are essential if a Welsh speaker wishes to conduct his normal every day life through the medium of Welsh. These services vary from those offered by banks to those available at the supermarket. The lack of services proves the need for a strong and effective Welsh language Measure that will be relevant to the private sector.Bethan Williams Chair of the Welsh Language act Campaign Group said:"As the Welsh Assembly Government prepares the LCO that will lead to a Welsh language Measure it is important that we emphasise that such a measure is wide ranging and comprehensive.""Cymdeithas yr Iaith demands that Welsh be given official status, the rights of Welsh speakers are recognised, the private sector is included in the legislation and that a Language Commissioner is established in order to make sure that the new Measure is adhered to."She added:"Following a period of intense lobbying this will be our final warning to the Welsh Assembly Government. A Welsh language Measure was promised in the One Wales document. Our only hope now is that they keep to their word."