Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg will be holding its Annual General Meeting at the Morlan Centre Aberystwyth on Saturday March 10th 2007. Probably the most important motion under discussion involves the large sum of money left to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg in the will of the late Howell Lewis. At the moment Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg have recieved around £400,00 from the will.
Dafydd Morgan Lewis speaking on behalf of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg said."Over the last 18 months (since they knew about the existence of the will) Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg have been involved in discussions about how best to deal with such a large amount of money. We have recieved many donations in the past but nothing like the amount we recieved from Mr Lewis. It also important that such a large sum of money is allowed to effect our basic pricipals and that we remain faithful to our vision and non violent direct action as a means of achieving our aims.""Having spent the last few months discussing how best to invest the money in the future of Wales and the Welsh language we shall now give the ordinary member in our AGM a chance to express their views.""The Cymdeithas leadership has recommended that £100,00 of the money is set aside for special projects. The rest of the money to be spent on a 10 year plan which would lead to the appointment of 5 officials."Below is a translation of the Motion Concerning the money left to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg:INVESTING IN THE FUTURE OF WALES AND THE WELSH LANGUAGEThe Annual General Meeting confirms that Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg is a revolutionary movement that passionately believes that everything in Wales must change if the Welsh language is to survive.We note further that non violent direct action is central to all our campaigns.The AGM fully appreciates the substantial amount of money left to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg by the late Howell Lewis, and that the organisation is authorized to invest the money responsibly so that it will be spent to promote our activities by:* £100,000 to be set apart for special projects* The Rest of the money to be invested in a 10 year plan which will establish the following posts:1. National Administrative Officer2. National Campaigns officer3. Field Officer (North)4. Field Officer (Dyfed)5. Field Officer (South) with responsibility for the National Assembly.* So that the 10 Year Plan is properly financed an extra £15,000 to be raised every year.* The financial situation to be reviewed regularly every 3 or 4 years in order to make sure that proper use is made of the money from the will.