Hundreds of extra jobs need moving out of the capital, says Cymdeithas
A new Welsh Government beefed-up department responsible for the language should be established outside Cardiff as part of a wider move to devolve hundreds of jobs outside the capital, say campaigners.
In opening a public forum "Work to support the Welsh language" on Saturday 15/9 in Carmarthen Library, Ffred Ffransis from the local
region of Cymdeithas yr Iaith welcomed all those present to a
"wedding reception". He explained to the assembled representatives of
community councils, and cultural, educational and youth organisations -
"During the last few years there have been two quite separate
discussions in Carmarthenshire. There has been much talk about economic
Campaigners have accused Aberystwyth University of ‘breaking a promise’ by delaying the reopening of Pantycelyn Halls until September 2020.
Jeff Smith from Cymdeithas yr Iaith commented:
Campaigners at the Eisteddfod today (2pm, Thursday, 7th August) will press for a review of Welsh education law to adopt the same system as Catalonia in order to move, over time, to Welsh-medium education for every child.