Cymdeithas yr Iaith have welcomed the report announced today by the Rural Affairs sub-committee on the re-organisation of rural schools. Cymdeithas have specifically welcomed the observations that the Local Authority should take seriously the consultation process with the local communities and that the effect of the re-organisation on the Welsh language should be a " major determinant " during the process.Press here to view full report (Word Document, 244kb)
The report states:"7.6 If local authorities are to remain in charge of schools in Walesthen they must win back public trust and confidence in their processesand engage in an honest debate with local communities."The recommendations include:Recommendation 7: The Committee recommends that the Welsh AssemblyGovernment develops a code of practice for consultation and meaningfulcommunity engagement which should be followed by local authorities inmanaging this process.Recommendation 9: The Welsh Assembly Government in their revisedguidance should clarify and formalise the roles of all stakeholders inthe closure process. The revised guidance should be clear inexpecting local authorities to proactively inform local communitiesand then to help those communities to participate in a debate on thefuture configuration of primary education in any given area.Recommendation 13: That the impact on the Welsh language be consideredas a major determinant when local authorities take decisions in schoolclosures.Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith wedi gwahodd Cadeirydd y is-bwyllgor, AlunDavies, i fforwm gyhoeddus yn y flwyddyn newydd i drafod yr adroddiadyn ei gyfanrwydd.Cymdeithas yr Iaith have invited the sub-committee Chairman to apublic forum in the new year to discuss the report.