Welsh education for all: a need to "take the message to Cardiff Bay"

Ahead of Cymdeithas yr Iaith's rally for Welsh education for all, Mabli Siriol, one of the rally's speakers, has said that anyone who wants Welsh education for all need to "take the message to Cardiff Bay" to ensure that the Government's plans for Welsh language education are  strengthened.

The aim of the rally for Welsh education for all on Saturday, 15 February, is to call on the Senedd to significantly strengthen the Government's Welsh Language and Education Bill, in line with Cymdeithas yr Iaith's goals. Among the speakers will be Mabli Siriol, the poet and writer Hammad Rind and Kiera Marshall from Plaid Cymru.

Mabli Siriol said:
"Cymdeithas yr Iaith has been calling for almost ten years for a Welsh Education Act that will ensure that all pupils - wherever they live, whatever the language of the family - leave school able to speak Welsh.
“On the 15th of February, we have to take our message to Cardiff bay. The Government's Welsh Language and Education Bill, which is currently on it'w way through the Senedd, is far too weak to give the Welsh language to all children. It doesn't include statutory targets on growing Welsh-medium education or training the workforce. It does not take advantage of the opportunity to remove second language Welsh as a subject. And it does not include a long-term goal of turning every school into a Welsh medium.
"There is, therefore, a great risk that the bill as it stands will be passed without being strengthened, and that it will continue the fundamental injustice that 80% of young people in Wales are deprived of the language they should be entitled to."

In a recent opinion poll by YouGov, commissioned by Cymdeithas yr Iaith, 59% of people asked believe that schools should aim to educate all pupils to become confident Welsh speakers, with 29% disagreeing and 12% answering 'don't knows'. Excluding those who answered 'don't know', the percentage in favor rose to 67%.

Mabli Siriol added:

"We know that the people of Wales support us, a recent opinion poll showed that the majority of people in Wales agree that every young person in Wales should leave school able to speak Welsh.
"The only way to ensure that, to reverse the decline of the language and give every child the same opportunity - is with legislation that ensures that everyone receives Welsh-medium education. We call on everyone who shares that goal to join us on the 15th of February."