News Archive

27/06/2015 - 19:20
During a meeting held by Cymdeithas yr Iaith in Carmarthen over the weekend, a senior County Council officer called on the Government to get rid of the subject "Welsh as a Second Language" and instead implement in full the recommendations of the Prof Sioned Davuies Committee that all pupils should be taught Welsh as their own language on a single continuum of increasing levels. The call was made at a meeting attended by 60 delegates of county-wide bodies to question leading councillors and officers about the strategy  to develop Welsh-langugae education.
15/06/2015 - 16:51
  Local members of Cymdeithas yr Iaith have raised concerns about an advertisement for Carmarthenshire County Council's new Assistant Chief Executive because the Welsh language skills demanded for the post are significantly lower than the English language requirements.  
14/06/2015 - 10:27
Due to concern about the future of Pantycelyn Hall at Aberystwyth University students have occupied one of hall's corridors. Residents were expected to leave the halls at 10am today (Sunday 14th June) Gwilym Tudur, chair of Pantycelyn branch of Cymdeithas said:
27/05/2015 - 16:55
Welsh Language Commissioner accused of 'feet dragging' Fears over delays to securing Welsh language services from big business, such as Welsh language mobile phone operators, have been raised in a protest at the Urdd Eisteddfod today (3:00pm, Wednesday, 27th May).
26/05/2015 - 09:37
At the start of the Urdd Eisteddfod week in Caerffili, a number of education experts have added their support to calls for the new school curriculum to give every pupil the ability to communicate and work in Welsh  
20/05/2015 - 12:35
Campaigners will start a campaign for a Property Bill to tackle the impact of the existing housing stock on the Welsh language following the final vote in the Assembly agreeing new planning legislation today. 
15/05/2015 - 14:48
The First Minister has sent civil servants to meet bosses at the National Botanical Garden in Carmarthenshire to discuss its Welsh language shortcomings after Assembly Member Simon Thomas raised the matter with him. The news has been welcomed by members of Cymdeithas yr Iaith who have sent complaints to the Garden and local politicians. They say the Gardens have sent correspondence to local accommodation providers in English, advertised events on road signs in English only and that parts of its website are only available in English.
13/05/2015 - 13:57
Language campaigners have spoken of their hopes that the Welsh Government can help the Welsh language centre in Wrecsam, the Saith Seren, with their rental costs, ahead of a meeting between civil servants and management today.    
06/05/2015 - 12:47
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg has welcomed news that the Welsh language can now be a legal reason for councillors to reject or approve planning applications following a vote in the Assembly on the Planning Bill today (Tuesday, 5th May.  Jamie Bevan, Chair of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, who has been fasting with over thirty other members of the language group for changes to the legislation, commented:
27/04/2015 - 09:42
Having received a letter from the National Botanic Garden of Wales some of our local members and supporters have been to 'plant' the Welsh language and call for the Garden to root itself in the local language. A fortnight ago a disagreement arose when it became clear that the Garden was breaking its own language policy by displaying English language signs to promote events at the Garden, sending out correspondence in English only and failing to have a fully bilingual website.