The news has been welcomed by members of Cymdeithas yr Iaith who have sent complaints to the Garden and local politicians. They say the Gardens have sent correspondence to local accommodation providers in English, advertised events on road signs in English only and that parts of its website are only available in English.
Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Education, Skills and the Welsh Language, Simon Thomas said: "We welcome the fact that the Government takes these shortcomings in Welsh provision seriously. The Botanic Garden gets public funding so it's the institution's duty to ensure fair play for the language. It is important that the Welsh language in Carmarthenshire is visible. How are local people expected to respect the language when organisations such as the Botanic Garden do not respected it?"
After it became clear that the Botanical Gardens was in breach of its Language Scheme, Cymdeithas called on the Government and Carmarthenshire County Council to suspend funding to the Garden until it sticks to its commitments.
Manon Elin, Cymdeithas' spokesperson on language rights, and who lives locally said:
"We've had a number of excuses from the Garden, although they have been keeping quiet more recently. They claim there are technical problems with the website - though there don't seem to be any problems with the English pages; and that Welsh language provision has not developed as the Garden's work has done. We're still waiting for a response to our request for a meeting with them too.
"Although Carwyn Jones seems to avoid his responsibilities by saying it's the Welsh Language Commissioner's place to ensure the Garden complies with its Language Scheme, it is promising that Government officials will meet with them. We expect an update on those discussions, and expect to see the Government taking its responsibility towards the Welsh language seriously when considering which national institutions it should fund."
The storu in the press:
Officials to Visit Botanic Gardens over Language Concerns - South Wales Evening Post Mai 16